Book and Prophecy Discussions (Audio Version )
Serving Up “THE HOT” Topics since 2010.

Join Host Paula Matthews as she gives a prophetic look at national and international political, social and news events. Find out what God is saying about America, the nations, and how we should prepare for the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
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Timely Archived Podcasts
We are witnessing the manifestation of many of the words that God spoke over the past ten years. Fortunately, prophetic words don’t expire until all things are completed to God’s satisfaction. As the Bible says, God’s word will not return to Him void, but it will accomplish what He desires and it will prosper in the thing He chooses (Isaiah 55:11).

“The Church Never Really Believed”
Not everyone who claims Jesus as Lord is a believer. Religious practice can oftentimes deceive Christians into thinking that they are true believers. Hearing the word and doing the word are vastly different things. The promises of God allude many people because they never really believed.

“Lest We Forget, The Lord Our God.”
This episode was originally aired in 2017. It was a powerful word from the Lord concerning judgment coming upon America and her leaders because of corruption, greed and arrogance.

“Are You Discerning The Lord’s Body?”
This episode was first broadcast in September of 2013. This is a close look at communion as remembrance of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. Some Christians are taking communion “unworthily”
because of how they treat one another in the Body of Christ. God won’t forgive us, if we do not forgive others. This is a strong word from the Lord.
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