Tag: Ambassadors For Jesus Christ

Come Out From Among Them!

In this episode, Paula Matthews releases a prophetic message that urges Christians to come out from among the evil political conversations and associations that are stirring in the nation. As carriers of God’s glory, His people must be mindful of the fact that their purpose on earth is to reconcile mankind back to God. Trouble […]

Hallowed Be Thy Name

In this episode, Paula Matthews reveals what God thinks about Halloween and how it is a mockery of the “Hallowedness” of the Holy God. For unbelievers, this is acceptable because they have no covenant with God. But for those who name the Name of Jesus Christ, it is treasonous to be a citizen of the […]


In this episode Paula Matthews explains that there is more to the believer’s redemption package than going to Heaven. It’s about experiencing days of Heaven upon the earth. It’s about knowing our covenant and what we have in Christ Jesus. We are called to be the Light in this present darkness, trusting in God and […]

Manifesting The Light Of His Glory

This is the final episode of the series on God’s Glorious Kingdom arising in the earth. This message contains a call for action to those who hunger and thirst for everything God has predestined for their lives. This is a call to be the Light in this dark world; to follow the Voice of the […]