Tag: Year Of God’s Redeemed

Come Out From Among Them!

In this episode, Paula Matthews releases a prophetic message that urges Christians to come out from among the evil political conversations and associations that are stirring in the nation. As carriers of God’s glory, His people must be mindful of the fact that their purpose on earth is to reconcile mankind back to God. Trouble […]

The Temperature Of America

In this episode, Paula Matthews gives a prophetic analogy of what God says is about to be evident in the nation. The world has turned cold against God because the Church of Jesus Christ is lukewarm in its loyalty to Him. However, in this season, God is about to turn up the heat on His […]


In this episode Paula Matthews explains that there is more to the believer’s redemption package than going to Heaven. It’s about experiencing days of Heaven upon the earth. It’s about knowing our covenant and what we have in Christ Jesus. We are called to be the Light in this present darkness, trusting in God and […]

Pride Comes Before The Fall

This episode approaches the gay pride agenda from God’s Kingdom point of view. Author Paula Matthews reveals that God’s Hand is on the gay population for a grand purpose in these last days before Jesus returns. She also makes a clear distinction between the gay pride political agenda and gay people in general. Although Proverbs […]

Barriers Are Lifting!

God is making a way for the faithful to obey Him. He is breaking in pieces the gates of brass and cutting asunder the bars of iron. This is “prelude” to the wealth transfer. God will make His enemies pay for the what His people have suffered. Some will even pay with their lives, and […]

2023: The Year Of God’s Redeemed!

In this episode, Paula Matthews releases a recent prophecy about what to expect in the New Year, which begins with the Jewish Rosh Hashana. The Lord has declared “A Resurgence Of Righteousness In The Land” for America. God also speaks of prosperous times for His people. “It’s My Time to Bless the land and Its […]