We are continuing the series about God’s Glorious Church arising in the earth, focusing on the back story that led to the prophecies about Jesus’ Birth and His role as Light Of The World. This episode contains a message of hope and faith for the people of God in this and coming seasons. Immanuel, God with us, and working through us “to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79).”
Special Note: Christians who receive the Light of God through prophetic words, visions and dreams, but who yield to their own understanding without consulting the Holy Spirit, are no better than the psychics and false prophets who prophesy out of their soul-ish understanding. God’s Light comes for a Kingdom purpose; so that we can see, hear and understand the mysteries of God, in order to release healing and deliverance to Bless the families of the earth.
Links mentioned in this episode: “Got Jesus? God Light!” 2023 Prophecy What About America?