Remember The Former Things

EPIC Books & Café Podcasts
EPIC Books & Café Podcasts
Remember The Former Things

In this episode, Paula Matthews releases prophecies in which Almighty God has revealed troubling times coming to America in 2024. As a result, there will be “Two Worlds” operating in the nation. One world that is obedient to God would bear the Blessing of the Lord. The other world would hate God and be cursed. She also revisits the prophecy of the “Two Trains” which describes the two ways of living in the land. The train of Everyday Life in America is about to crash, while the train of God’s Life and Abundance is about to flourish, even in hard times. This is a call for God’s people to depart from following after everyday life in America. This is a call for them to “Remember The Former Things” and repent before it is too late.

Links: The War Of The Gods Has Begun!

American Heritage 101

God Delivers An URGENT Message of Judgment For America! [The Prophecy Of Two Trains] Released May 2016