During these days of commotion, spiritual and political discord, God has a plan of rest and peace for His people. In this episode, Paula Matthews discusses what it takes for God’s People to obtain “all round rest” from their enemies. They must cease from doing their own thing, submit to God, and then contend with […]
Podcast: EPIC Books & Café Podcasts
The Winds Of Change Are Here!
Almighty God is “Sweeping” over the nations by His Spirit, changing people and events in preparation for the return of His Son Jesus Christ. Although Jesus will not be returning in February, there will be drastic changes coming upon the earth. In this episode, Paula Matthews describes how there will be a “sweeping” of what […]
The Vengeance Of The Lord Is At Hand!
In this episode, Paula Matthews discusses how God will avenge Himself of His enemies in these last days before Jesus returns. There are leaders in the world who believe they are more powerful than God Almighty. Like Sennacherib, ancient king of Assyria, these leaders boast of their prowess to take over governments by saying to […]
The Lord Will Beautify His Church
In this episode, Paula Matthews releases a glimpse of God’s plan to purify and purge His people in this season. Almighty God will use the events of these last days before Jesus returns, as a platform to glorify Himself through His people. The Lord has decreed, “Anyone can be saved, but I am coming back […]
2025: The Year Of Turmoil & Triumphs
In this episode Paula Matthews releases a prophetic look at the New Year and what to expect before Jesus returns for His glorious church. To explain the season that is upon us, we are taken to the story of Nehemiah. According to the Lord, the Church of Jesus Christ has been left in shambles, yet […]
God’s Grand Finale Has Begun!
Will you be on the side of the Hero Jesus Christ, or the villian satan, in God’s Grand Finale?
Remember The Mission
In these last days, knowing and working the plan of God will be what saves one from the destruction is coming upon the earth. The Kingdom and It’s Mission will be our only refuge. For without a vision (mission and hope from God), the people will perish.
So, The People Want A King
American Christians will face a test in the 2024 Presidential Election. Will they vote God’s choice or the popular choice? Their vote determines if America will be blessed or cursed in the years to come.
Come Out From Among Them!
In this episode, Paula Matthews releases a prophetic message that urges Christians to come out from among the evil political conversations and associations that are stirring in the nation. As carriers of God’s glory, His people must be mindful of the fact that their purpose on earth is to reconcile mankind back to God. Trouble […]
Remember The Former Things
This is a call for God’s people to depart from following after everyday life in America. It is time to repent and remember the former things before it is too late!